Hku vice - chancellor receives honorary degree at tel aviv university 港大校长获特拉维夫大学颁授荣誉学位
The researchers , from tel aviv university , said they included obesity , smoking and lack of exercise 特拉维夫大学的研究人员说,其他提高风险的因子包括肥胖、抽菸、缺少运动。
Dafna lemish of tel aviv university has described babies at six to eight weeks attending to television 特拉维夫大学的莱米许曾经描述,出生六至八周的小婴儿会去注意电视画面。
Leor is a cardiologist at sheba medical center and director of the tel aviv university neufield cardiac research institute 雷欧是以色列席巴医学中心的心脏学家,并兼任特拉维夫大学纽菲德心脏研究所所长。
Gil ast is a senior lecturer in the department of human genetics and molecular medicine at the tel aviv university medical school in israel 阿斯特是以色列特拉维夫大学医学院人类遗传与分子医学系的资深教授。
" i am very honoured by the award , " said professor tsui . " it certainly encourage me to devote greater effort to scientific research and to scientific development internationally , " he added . this year , tel aviv university has conferred honorary degrees upon eight individuals 徐教授表示:我非常荣幸能获得这项荣誉,也督促我更积极推动科学研究,致力为国际科学发展工作尽一分力。
" i am very honoured by the award , " said professor tsui . " it certainly encourage me to devote greater effort to scientific research and to scientific development internationally , " he added . this year , tel aviv university has conferred honorary degrees upon eight individuals 徐教授表示:我非常荣幸能获得这项荣誉,也督促我更积极推动科学研究,致力为国际科学发展工作尽一分力。
According to research conducted by isbor co - founder daniel van steenberghe and his co - workers at catholic university ? leuven in belgium and our group at tel aviv university in israel , about 85 to 90 percent of cases originate in the mouth 根据比利时天主教荷语鲁汶大学的凡史汀柏夫( isbor的共同发起人)及合作人员,以及我在以色列特拉维夫大学的研究团队所做的研究, 85 ~ 90 %的口臭例子,问题都出在口腔。
He has published columns in many leading newspapers around the world and has visited several institutions including massachusetts institute of technology , tel aviv university , university of stockholm , the world bank , the international monetary fund and the italian treasury 他又在全世界多份主要报章拥有专栏,并身为多间学院和机构的访问学人,包括麻省理工学院、特拉维夫大学、斯德哥尔摩大学、世界银行、国际货币基金会和意大利财政部。
Tel Aviv University (TAU) ( Universitat Tel Aviv) is a public university located in Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel. With nearly 30,000 students, TAU is Israel's largest university.